2,670 research outputs found

    In-beam test of the TwinTPC at FRS

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    \b{eta}-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar

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    The beta decay of 31Ar, produced by fragmentation of a 36Ar beam at 880 MeV/nucleon, was investigated. Identified ions of 31Ar were stopped in a gaseous time projection chamber with optical readout allowing to record decay events with emission of protons. In addition to \b{eta}-delayed emission of one and two protons we have clearly observed the beta-delayed three-proton branch. The branching ratio for this channel in 31Ar is found to be 0.07(2)%.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Rev.

    Search for {\eta}'(958)-nucleus bound states by (p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR

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    The mass of the {\eta}' meson is theoretically expected to be reduced at finite density, which indicates the existence of {\eta}'-nucleus bound states. To investigate these states, we perform missing-mass spectroscopy for the (p, d) reaction near the {\eta}' production threshold. The overview of the experimental situation is given and the current status is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; talk at II Symposium on applied nuclear physics and innovative technologies, September 24th - 27th, 2014, Jagiellonian University, Krak\'ow Poland; to appear in Acta Physica Polonica

    Search for the QCD critical point in nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Pion production in nuclear collisions at the SPS is investigated with the aim to search, in a restricted domain of the phase diagram, for power-laws in the behavior of correlations which are compatible with critical QCD. We have analyzed interactions of nuclei of different size (p+p, C+C, Si+Si, Pb+Pb) at 158AA GeV adopting, as appropriate observables, scaled factorial moments in a search for intermittent fluctuations in transverse dimensions. The analysis is performed for π+π\pi^+\pi^- pairs with invariant mass very close to the two-pion threshold. In this sector one may capture critical fluctuations of the sigma component in a hadronic medium, even if the σ\sigma-meson has no well defined vacuum state. It turns out that for the Pb+Pb system the proposed analysis technique cannot be applied without entering the invariant mass region with strong Coulomb correlations. As a result the treatment becomes inconclusive in this case. Our results for the other systems indicate the presence of power-law fluctuations in the freeze-out state of Si+Si approaching in size the prediction of critical QCD.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Discovery and Cross-Section Measurement of Neutron-Rich Isotopes in the Element Range from Neodymium to Platinum at the FRS

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    With a new detector setup and the high-resolution performance of the fragment separator FRS at GSI we discovered 57 new isotopes in the atomic number range of 60Z78\leq Z \leq 78: \nuc{159-161}{Nb}, \nuc{160-163}{Pm}, \nuc{163-166}Sm, \nuc{167-168}{Eu}, \nuc{167-171}{Gd}, \nuc{169-171}{Tb}, \nuc{171-174}{Dy}, \nuc{173-176}{Ho}, \nuc{176-178}{Er}, \nuc{178-181}{Tm}, \nuc{183-185}{Yb}, \nuc{187-188}{Lu}, \nuc{191}{Hf}, \nuc{193-194}{Ta}, \nuc{196-197}{W}, \nuc{199-200}{Re}, \nuc{201-203}{Os}, \nuc{204-205}{Ir} and \nuc{206-209}{Pt}. The new isotopes have been unambiguously identified in reactions with a 238^{238}U beam impinging on a Be target at 1 GeV/u. The isotopic production cross-section for the new isotopes have been measured and compared with predictions of different model calculations. In general, the ABRABLA and COFRA models agree better than a factor of two with the new data, whereas the semiempirical EPAX model deviates much more. Projectile fragmentation is the dominant reaction creating the new isotopes, whereas fission contributes significantly only up to about the element holmium.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Spectroscopy of η\eta'-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR --- very preliminary results and future prospects ---

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    The possible existence of \eta'-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the \eta' mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the UA(1)U_A(1) anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C(p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; talk at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2014), Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2014. in Hyperfine Interactions (2015

    Rapidity and energy dependence of the electric charge correlations in A+A collisions at the SPS energies

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    Results from electric charge correlations studied with the Balance Function method in A+A collisions from 20\emph{A} to 158\emph{A} GeV are presented in two different rapidity intervals: In the mid-rapidity region we observe a decrease of the width of the Balance Function distribution with increasing centrality of the collision, whereas this effect vanishes in the forward rapidity region. Results from the energy dependence study in central Pb+Pb collisions show that the narrowing of the Balance Function expressed by the normalised width parameter \textit{W} increases with energy towards the highest SPS and RHIC energies. Finally we compare our experimental data points with predictions of several models. The hadronic string models UrQMD and HIJING do not reproduce the observed narrowing of the Balance Function. However, AMPT which contains a quark-parton transport phase before hadronization can reproduce the narrowing of the BF's width with centrality. This confirms the proposed sensitivity of the Balance Function analysis to the time of hadronization.Comment: Submitted in Phys. Rev.

    High p_T Spectra of Identified Particles Produced in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158GeV/nucleon Beam Energy

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    Transverse momentum spectra of pi^{+/-}, p, pbar, K^{+/-}, K^0_s and Lambda at midrapidity were measured at high p_T in Pb+Pb collisions at 158GeV/nucleon beam energy by the NA49 experiment. Particle yield ratios (p/pi, K/pi and Lambda/K^0_s) show an enhancement of the baryon/meson ratio for p_T>2GeV/c. The nuclear modification factor R_{CP} is extracted and compared to RHIC measurements and pQCD calculations.Comment: Quark Matter 2005 parallel section proceeding

    Multiplicity fluctuations in nuclear collisions at 158 A GeV

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    System size dependence of multiplicity fluctuations of charged particles produced in nuclear collisions at 158 A GeV was studied in the NA49 CERN experiment. Results indicate a non-monotonic dependence of the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution with a maximum for semi-peripheral Pb+Pb interactions with number of projectile participants of about 35. This effect is not observed in a string-hadronic model of nuclear collision HIJING.Comment: Presented at "Focus on Multiplicity", 17-19 of June, Bari, Ital

    Energy Dependence of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Multiplicity fluctuations of positively, negatively and all charged hadrons in the forward hemisphere were studied in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A and 158A GeV. The multiplicity distributions and their scaled variances are presented in dependence of collision energy as well as of rapidity and transverse momentum. The distributions have bell-like shape and their scaled variances are in the range from 0.8 to 1.2 without any significant structure in their energy dependence. No indication of the critical point in fluctuations are observed. The string-hadronic model UrQMD significantly overpredicts the mean, but approximately reproduces the scaled variance of the multiplicity distributions. The predictions of the statistical hadron-resonance gas model obtained within the grand-canonical and canonical ensembles disagree with the measured scaled variances. The narrower than Poissonian multiplicity fluctuations measured in numerous cases may be explained by the impact of conservation laws on fluctuations in relativistic systems.Comment: 26 pages, 34 figures, updated version including referee comment